If you are self-employed, you may believe your personal vehicles are covered for work use under your personal car insurance. When it comes time to file a claim, however, this could turn out to not be the case. Many business uses and vehicle types are excluded from personal policies. Our experienced agent can help you find a commercial auto insurance policy to suit your needs if your vehicle is used for business purposes.
You may need commercial auto insurance for any vehicle you use for business purposes or that is registered as a commercial auto. Speak with our agent about a commercial policy if:
You may need a commercial auto insurance policy for any vehicle you use for business, because personal auto insurance policies will not cover business use. Commercial vehicle coverage can help protect you and your business against property damage, injury, and liability claims that may arise with the use of your vehicle.
A commercial auto insurance policy can be custom-tailored and may include several different types of coverage. A typical policy might include:
The cost of commercial auto insurance can depend on a number of factors, including your type of business, the size of your business, and the types and numbers of vehicles being insured. Generally, a passenger vehicle such as a car or a light truck will be less costly to insure than a heavy duty vehicle such as a dump truck.
Yes. In many circumstances, you can deduct commercial auto insurance premiums if you use your vehicle for business purposes. If you are self-employed, you may be able to deduct these costs on Schedule C. If you use your personal vehicle for work as an employee and do not receive expense or mileage reimbursement, you may be able to use Form 2106. Consult your tax advisor for information about your particular situation.
For assistance in purchasing commercial auto insurance, speak with our knowledgeable agent. We can advise you on what types of coverage you need and help you find the best available rates.